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Troublemaker (Songbird #6) Page 10

  The number of times I’d tried.

  “You said you’d always love me.”

  “I do,” he’d whisper before pulling me against him.

  Our make-up sex would be hot and frenzied. He’d move on top of me, moaning oh, yes, Kelly, yes into my ear…and then he’d date me for a while, strutting around campus with the gorgeous DeMarco girl on his arm.

  But then the high would end, we’d come crashing back to earth, and a few weeks later, Fletcher would start having doubts. I’d spent months trying to lure an engagement ring out of him, but in the end I hadn’t been enough.

  My nails dug into the palm of my hand as I curled my fingers into a tight fist and tried to dodge my final memory of Fletcher. Sucking in a trembling breath, I blinked against the stinging tears and made a beeline for my bag. I was done.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Kelly wasn’t at the front desk when I rushed past. I glanced into the photocopier room, but she wasn’t standing by the machine. Paper was spitting out of it, which meant she must have started a run and ducked away to get something. I looked in the lunchroom and breezed through every department but didn’t spot her anywhere.

  By the time I’d gone full circuit, I was feeling harried and irate.

  “Where’s Kelly?” I barked at Marcia.

  Her eyebrows slowly rose, and she gave me the kind of look my mother would have given me before telling me off for being rude.

  “Sorry,” I muttered then forced a lighter tone. “You seen Kelly around?”

  Marcia eyed me carefully before brushing a finger under her nose and saying, “She’s left for the day. She wasn’t feeling well.”

  “Did she look okay?” I leaned against the counter.

  Marcia sighed. “I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but I saw Bryce come out of the photocopier room, and then ten minutes later Kelly appeared with tears in her eyes saying she had to leave.”

  “Shit.” I yanked the phone from my pocket, dialing her number and walking back to my office. It went to voice mail, so I called again. The second time around, it cut off after only three rings, which meant she wasn’t in the mood to talk.

  I wanted to barge back into Bryce’s office and find out exactly what the fool did, but my alarm started beeping.

  “Dammit.” I ran a hand through my hair and snatched my satchel off the floor, storming to the elevator and my waiting car.

  Chaos needed me on form tonight, not worrying about a girl I’d spent most of my teenage life adoring. I was going to be hard-pressed to do it. I didn’t know what the hell Bryce said to her, but I hoped it wasn’t enough to scare her away from Torrence.

  “Leaving in tears,” I mumbled as the driver pulled into LA traffic.

  I wanted to throttle Bryce.

  Sure, he may have given me the chance I’d been looking for. If he’d dumped Kelly then our deal was on.

  But he’d made her cry.

  He’d fucking made her cry.

  My guts were a curdling mess as we drove to the arena. All I wanted to do was find Kelly and make sure she was okay, but I had to play the role of band manager. Chaos needed me, so Kelly would have to wait.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I spent Friday night and most of Saturday in bed. It was torture. No amount of music or television could stop the replay of Fletcher’s parting words. The entire event ran through my head on repeat. The sound of his grunts and Evangeline’s pitchy moans as he buried himself inside her. I’d stepped into his room with a confused frown and stuttered to a stop in the doorway.

  She’d been on her knees, fisting the sheet while he stood behind her, pounding back and forth, his fingers digging into her ass cheeks. They were both caught in a state of pure ecstasy. I’d clutched my keys. The metal dug into my palm, hurting me, but I kept squeezing.

  Evangeline’s eyes had opened first. She’d looked up at me and squeaked, jerking away from Fletcher and covering herself with the sheet. Fletcher stood there fully exposed, his dick still firm and pointing at me.

  “Kelly, I’m sorry,” Evangeline whispered.

  Her words tore me out of my shocked stupor, and I raced from the room.

  “Kelly!” Fletcher followed me down the stairs of his house, stopping me before I’d reached the door. He’d flung his boxers on, and I wished he’d gone for a shirt, as well. His chest was so chiseled and perfect.

  “I’m sorry. I should have told you.”

  I wrenched my arm out of his grasp. “She’s my roommate! I grew up with her! How could you do this to me?”

  “She’s… We didn’t mean… It just kind of happened.”

  “Kind of happened? How long has this been going on?”

  Fletcher looked to the floor, running a hand through his hair. “About a year.”

  The air punched out of my lungs. “Is this why you broke up with me in the first place?”

  He shrugged. “One of the reasons.”

  “But you kept taking me back!”

  “Evangeline understood. She knew how hard it was for you. She was willing to compromise while I made my decision.”

  A rock plummeted into my gut, cold and hard. “Made your decision?”

  “Marriage is a big step. I need to be sure.”

  “We’re not lab rats!” I smacked him on the chest. “I wanted to be your wife.”

  Fletcher’s face crested with sorrow. “I wanted that too, but…Evangeline is just so…” He gazed up the stairs, a look I didn’t recognize cresting over his face. “She’s willing to try things, you know. She’s not…” He turned back to me with a sad smile, wincing as he whispered, “Like an ice queen.”

  I stumbled back from him, feeling like he’d punched me in the stomach…and then he made it a million times worse.

  “I think I love her, Kelly. Maybe she’s the girl I should be marrying.”

  My throat was so swollen I couldn’t even speak.

  “It doesn’t mean I won’t stop loving you. I’m just not sure what to do. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Too late.” I glared at him.

  His smile was weak, somehow beseeching me not to hate him. “Kelly, please. I think you and I are a great match, but…” He looked up the stairs again. “Maybe we could figure out some kind of arrange—”

  “No. We’re finished. You go be with her…and don’t ever speak to me again.”

  I stormed out of the house and didn’t look back. Six weeks later, Mom informed me that Evangeline and Fletcher Winslow were engaged. I quit college that day.

  Slashing the tears from my eyes, I sniffed and tried to swallow. “Stitches” started playing on my stereo. I let the words cover me until I was drowning in them. Fletcher had torn me wide open, and I’d let Bryce taste the damaged goods, like some slut who didn’t know any better. What the hell was wrong with me?

  Why was I always attracted to these gorgeous assholes?

  My people, right?

  “My people suck!” I shouted, snatching my pillow and hurling it at the family photo on my dresser. My dad’s handsome face disappeared behind the furniture, sliding down the wall and getting stuck.

  When I’d returned home a blubbering mess, my mother had shown me no sympathy, telling me I was a fool to talk to Fletcher that way.

  “Of course men like him have mistresses. Grow up. But you should be the one on his arm in public. You’re far prettier and more sophisticated than Evangeline. Everybody knows that. You’re Jacqueline Kennedy, she’s simply Marilyn Monroe.”

  I’d made a face then run to the bathroom and thrown up.

  The phone beside my pillow lit up. I’d muted the sound hours ago but was still tempted to check the screen every time it vibrated.

  MARCUS - work flashed on my screen. He’d been calling relentlessly since Friday afternoon. I dropped the phone and rolled away from it, bunching the pillow beneath my cheek. I didn’t have anything to say to him. Bryce had dumped me, which meant the deal was on. Altho
ugh I had a suspicion he wasn’t calling me to gloat or make any demands…which was why I couldn’t answer the phone.


  I spent the weekend in solitude. I felt like a nun and was ready to start banging my head against a brick wall by the time Monday rolled around. In spite of that, I was tempted to call in sick. I didn’t want to bump into Bryce and his imperious smirk. Why I hadn’t kneed him in the balls still bothered me.

  “Can’t believe you let that ass dump you.” I cringed, burying my face further into the pillow.

  My phone buzzed, and I flipped it the bird.

  “Not interested, Marcus!” I yelled. “Maybe I should call in sick.” I reached for the phone, practicing my croak voice and answering without even looking at the screen. “Hello,” I answered feebly.

  “Are you sick, too?” Isla’s snuffed-up voice made me jerk. I pulled the phone away from my ear to check the screen and make sure it was my friend. “Are you okay?”

  “No,” she whined. “I’ve got the world’s worst cold, I’ve been sick all weekend.”

  “Oh no.” I sat up and wrapped my arm around my knees. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” She sounded like a pouty little kid. “Logan’s been looking after me. But I was just wondering if you could cover my six-thirty class at the gym. You’ll be there anyway, right? So could you just run it for me?”

  “Run it for you? I can’t… I’m not…”

  “You helped me choreograph the set. Just get your butt in there and do this for me, please. Logan’s stressing.”

  I sighed, resting my head against my knees. “Okay, fine.”

  “Thank you.” She sucked in a breath then sneezed. “Dammit, I am so unsexy right now.”

  “You’re gorgeous, baby,” Logan murmured in the background then kissed her. “I’ll come back and check on you at lunchtime, okay?”

  “Love you,” she whispered.

  I rubbed the aching spot beneath my collarbone, wondering if my soul would ever fully recover. I hated that I still loved Fletcher and that I wished for his morning kisses before he left for work. That he could still make me pine for him after what he’d done was sinful, but I did.

  “Thanks for your help, Kels. You’re the best.”

  “Get better. I’ll call you later, okay?”

  She hung up and I dragged my sorry butt out of bed. Pulling on my gym clothes, I decided to leave my work stuff behind. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to go anyway. I’d come home and make my decision after showering. Being a little late for work wouldn’t be the end of the world. Marcia could cover for me…or I could still call in sick.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I missed my alarm—didn’t even hear it buzzing. The fact it was under my bed thanks to Pumpkin getting curious in the night didn’t help. When I opened my drowsy eyes and spotted the time, I nearly had a heart attack.

  I fell out of bed, whacking my elbow on the side cabinet and bellowing a curse before scrambling off the floor. It’d been an intense weekend. Chaos had performed both Friday and Saturday night. Both concerts couldn’t have gone better. The crowd went wild over Nessa singing lead, and everyone had been chanting her name by the end of the first set. Jace became the star of the second set with a drum solo that rocked the entire stadium. The roar of approval had been deafening, and by the end of the show, “We want more! We want more!” was the passionate anthem of the audience.

  Chaos was a hit.

  I checked the Top 100 playlist as I threw my work clothes into a bag.

  “Yes!” I pumped my arm in the air. As predicted, Chaos had moved up the charts. “Agility” was sitting at #1 with their other two hits on #28 and #51.

  I laughed as I yanked on my gym clothes. Mr. Torrence would be stoked, which meant I could afford to be a little late to work. It was still only six, so I had time to fit in a workout before heading into the office. I couldn’t start a workday without some exercise; my mind would be a fuzzy mess if I drove straight in.

  I jumped into my shoes and hustled to the kitchen.

  “Good morning, my little terrors.” They meowed at my feet and rubbed my arms as I poured them some milk and biscuits.

  “I’ll see you guys later.” I petted their heads and raced out the door.

  The gym parking lot was more crowded than usual and I had to find a spot down the road. I guessed I was ninety minutes later than normal. I figured I’d be waiting for equipment, which would put me even later for work than I intended. I’d just have to do a short cardio and get right into it.

  I opened the door, and a thumping music greeted me. “Work This Body” by Walk the Moon pounded out of the side room. I’d usually left before the aerobics classes started. Curiosity pulled me past the equipment toward the archway.

  I glimpsed inside and my heart stopped working.

  Kelly stood on the stage, a broad smile on her face as she bopped and moved.

  “Good job, girls!” she shouted. “Work that body, you hot things!”

  Some fumbling ladies in the back giggled while they tried to keep up with her. She stepped forward then back, her arms pumping as she went.

  “And to the side!” She jumped across the stage, looking so damn hot in her gym gear that saliva pooled beneath my tongue. The knee-length leggings wrapped around her thighs showed off how strong and fit she was. Her dark hair was bunched in a high ponytail, a few loose tendrils framing her sweaty face. Exertion made her skin glow, but the thing that captured me the most was the sparkle in her eyes. She looked caught up in the moment, like nothing else existed but the music and the moves.

  “Four more, let’s go!” She grinned.

  It was a rare glimpse of unguarded Kelly.

  Damn, it was beautiful.

  Chapter Twenty


  The set finished with a flourish, and I stood on stage panting while the tired women collected their stuff. Two of them came up to thank me on their way out the door.

  “My pleasure.” I grinned.

  It really had been. Dancing like that was a rush. I loved the music, the beat pulsing through me. The aerobic steps Isla, Scarlett, and I came up with made me feel strong and confident, like I could do anything.

  The last gym member disappeared through the archway, and I jumped off the stage. The instant I hit the floor, the weight of my weekend and pending workday settled on my shoulders. Slumping down with a sigh, I wiped my face with a towel and checked my watch. Marcus would be at work already. If I headed home, I could still call in sick then maybe pop over to spend the day with Isla.

  I made a face, not loving the idea of catching her germs and actually being sick. My other option was to wallow in bed all day.

  “Or you could stop feeling sorry for yourself and go to work,” I muttered.

  Exercise always gave me a more positive outlook. As soon as I’d come home from college, I’d joined Logan’s gym and worked my body to skin and bone. I was up to going twice a day and living on protein shakes before Logan told me to quit it before I made myself sick. That was when Isla had moved out of her dorm room and in with me. She’d set me up on a proper diet and exercise plan, mothering me until I finally saw where she was coming from.

  “How’s it going, gym bunny?” Logan leaned against the archway frame and grinned at me.

  I smiled back. “It was a good session.”

  “Thank you so much for covering. You looked like you were having fun up there.”

  I stood and hitched the bag onto my shoulder. “I was.”

  “Well, you should do some more. Isla’s having a hard time fitting in all her senior classes as well as doing this. How’d you feel about covering for her every now and then?”

  “As long as it doesn’t interfere with work.” I shrugged, confused by why I’d said that. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to go back to work, ever.

  I stopped next to him in the archway and was about to ask him what sessions Isla needed me to cover when I spotted something
delicious on the other side of the room. The guy was working the shoulder press, his taut arms strong and muscular. He had a towel draped over his head, so I couldn’t see his face properly, but my breath hitched with desire. The guy was in a loose tank top that gave my eyes full access to his muscular arms. He wasn’t bulky like a body builder but had these tight, shapely arms that I imagined lifting me off the floor. My lips parted as I watched his biceps round and flex with movement.

  Holy crap, he was hot.

  I inwardly cringed, annoyed with myself for finding anyone attractive. I should have been swearing off guys for good, not ogling them.

  Logan noticed my gaping stare and followed my line of sight. He placed his finger under my chin and, with a little chuckle, closed my mouth for me. “You know Marcus?”

  “Marcus?” My head snapped in his direction, and then I spotted Mr. Muscles pull the towel off his head and wipe his face dry.

  My stomach jerked then started rattling while my eyes bugged out big-time. It was Marcus. Oh, shit. I had just been drooling over Marcus Chapman.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and turned to face the wall.

  Logan gave me a quizzical frown then looked back at Marcus. “How do you know him?”

  “He’s um…he’s my…boss.”

  A smile lit Logan’s face. “Oh, of course, Torrence, yeah. Cool. He must be a nice guy to work for.”

  I glanced up at my friend and had to nod. “He is.”

  “Well, he’s a good man. He’s in here every weekday morning. Doesn’t miss a beat.” He glanced at his watch. “Although he’s later than usual this morning.”

  Logan’s easy tone helped me relax. I turned back and pressed my shoulder against the wall, flicking a glance at Marcus. He’d started his second set, grimacing as he lifted the heavy weights. “He had the Chaos concerts this weekend. He’s probably exhausted.” I didn’t miss the whiff of admiration in my tone.