Troublemaker (Songbird #6) Page 20
I rested my forehead against the door. “It’s not what you think.”
“Really? Because right now it looks like you’re about to go out on a date with someone. Someone who isn’t me.” The green flecks in his eyes sparkled, a hard glitter that made me antsy.
My mouth trembled as I licked my lower lip. “You’re not my boyfriend.”
“No, I’m just the guy you’re sleeping with. No big deal, right?” His sarcastic tone was strained yet brutal enough to make my chest deflate.
“What do you want me to say?”
“I want you to tell this guy that you’re with me and you don’t want anyone else!”
Marcus didn’t usually raise his voice. The fiery look on his face was hard to take in. I stared at the floor instead. “You don’t understand. I can’t…I can’t do this. I have tried to tell you so many times, but you just won’t listen. We can’t be together.”
“Yes, we can. We just both have to want it. I don’t know what’s holding you back, but whatever it is, we can fight it together.”
“You don’t even understand the fight!” I raised my arm, tears glassing over my eyes. “It’s too hard. It won’t work. I’m not saying this for myself, okay? Trust me. You don’t want in.”
He leaned forward, his expression emphatic and honest. “I know that all I’ve ever wanted is to be with you. You finally let me in, and it was better than I could have hoped for.”
I gripped my temples. I needed to shut the door in his face. Make him stop. But a stronger part of me had to stand there and listen.
“I’ve been working my ass off trying to make you love me, and the thing that kills me is I know you do. You’re just too proud to admit it.”
My hand dropped to my side and I stared him.
He gave me a sad smile and shook his head. “I can make you happier than any of those stuck-up pricks. I see the real you. I know you…and I can be the guy you need. I’d love you with everything I had…but you just won’t let me, will you?”
I couldn’t move.
His mouth dipped, his sparkling gaze muted by a heartbreaking disappointment. “I can’t do this. I can’t watch you date other guys.” His voice broke and he held out the bottle of wine for me.
It took all my control to reach for it. I hugged it in the crook of my arm and didn’t know what to say.
His gaze dismantled me as he held out the flower. “I’m all in if you want me, but I’m not gonna be begging at your door like some homeless puppy.”
My heart started aching, each beat a painful, pitiful warning. Footsteps sounded down the end of the hallway, and Marcus turned to catch a glimpse of Asher. His eyes rounded before he looked to the floor then his jaw worked to the side, and a soft sigh came out his nose.
“I may not have anything on that guy, but I’m still a catch,” he whispered with a dejected smile. “And I don’t deserve this shit.”
He walked away before Asher reached us. The tall Coburg son gave him a polite, friendly greeting and, in true Chapman style, Marcus found it in himself to respond with a soft, “Have a good night.”
As he disappeared down the stairs, I held the flower to my nose and felt something inside of me break off. I didn’t know what it was, but it hurt worse than anything I’d felt before.
Chapter Forty-One
Life sucked.
I was so riled after leaving Kelly’s place. Having to walk past that tall prick with his charming smile made me want to puke. I stumbled down the stairs and raced home, locking myself away for the weekend. I slumped around in my sweats, ignoring the world and watching the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, plus the Hobbit movies.
Thankfully¸ Caris didn’t do anything stupid, so I was able to pretend the only three beings in the world were me, Pumpkin, and Flash.
But then Monday morning came and I couldn’t hide anymore.
I arrived before everyone else and got stuck into work, dreading the moment when she would walk in. I didn’t want to look at her. Acid had been sizzling my guts all weekend, and I knew it would flash up my throat the second I laid eyes on Kelly.
It pissed me off just thinking about it.
A knock at the door made me flinch.
I looked up to see Justin walk in with a nervous smile.
“All good?” My stomach knotted. What the hell had Caris done now?
He nodded. “She apologized.”
“Really?” I jerked in my seat. “When? I thought I had to take her this week.”
Justin shrugged. “I g-guess she decided to get on with it o-on her own.”
“Okay, then.” I snickered. “Suits me. Did she say anything about singing at a birthday party?”
“Apparently, she’s doing it th-this evening. They’ve already dropped the suit against us.”
I closed my eyes and scrubbed a hand down my face. “Thank God.”
Justin grinned.
“Thanks for your help, man. You’ve been amazing.”
He shrugged, his twitchy smile kind of shy as he rubbed the back of his neck. I glanced at his wedding ring then looked back at my computer.
“Well, let’s hope she doesn’t do anything that stupid again.” I scratched the corner of my mouth, wondering if I should attend the birthday party with her.
“I sure hope not.” Justin chuckled. “I-I don’t need the extra w-work.”
“Me too, brother.” My smile faltered as I glanced at him. He looked exhausted. I frowned. “I hope this extra work hasn’t put you too far behind on your studies or anything.”
Justin brushed the air. “No, I mean, I study at night, so…”
My eyes narrowed. “Do you ever take time off? Your wife must want to see you.”
“I-I haven’t re-re-re…” He sighed, closing his eyes and punching out the words, “I haven’t had the time.”
His lips pulled into a grim line while his eyebrows dipped together. He looked like he’d had this argument before.
I picked up my pen and tapped it against my day planner. “Work life getting the better of you, huh?”
His shoulders slumped. “It’s hard to fit it all in, you know? H-how do I keep S-Sarah happy and my b-boss happy and-and-and study. I d-don’t…” He sighed.
“Sarah’s your wife?”
He nodded, scratching the back of his curls. “She’s beautiful, and I feel like I never get to see her. We’re both s-so busy.”
A soft sadness swept over his face.
“At least you get to wake up beside her in the mornings, though, right?” My melancholy tone matched his expression.
His lips twitched with a halfhearted smile. He looked as though he wanted to say more but couldn’t.
“How long have you guys been married?”
He swallowed. “Not even a year. We got married a week after graduation then moved here and both started working. It’s…sh-she got her dream j-job and she’s really happy.”
“How about you?”
“Sh-she’s my college sweetheart. The only girl I’ve e-ever loved.”
I didn’t miss the way he avoided my question, but I didn’t have time to ask for more. Kelly appeared in my doorway looking so damn beautiful it wasn’t fair. Justin quickly took his leave, and I had to force my eyes away from Kelly’s hips as she clipped toward me in her black heels.
“Morning.” She nodded, all professional, like we’d never seen each other naked. Her long finger tapped on the edge of the iPad while she gazed at the floor. Her hair was up in a high ponytail, draping over her shoulder like a silk scarf.
I couldn’t talk so I just beat my pen on the desk.
“I, uh, was wondering if you had anything specific you wanted me to do for you today or this week. You usually email me a list, but…”
I ran my tongue over my bottom teeth and turned to my computer. Opening a new message, I checked my planner and quickly typed up a briefly “to do” list. Turning back with a deadpan stare, I murmured, “It’s sent.”
expression crumpled. “Marcus, I…”
I cleared my throat and sat tall before she could finish. “So something’s come up for Chaos. I’m going to be flying over to help them out for a few days. If I need anything more from you, I’ll email it over.”
It was a total lie. Chaos was doing fine, but I needed out. Caris would just have to manage the birthday party on her own. I had to think about my own survival.
Kelly was far too gorgeous for her own good, and being around her made me want to impale myself. I’d had a taste of life with her, loved every second of it, and it was being ripped away from me, because she was scared or proud or…I don’t know! Whatever bullshit story she wanted to spin, I wasn’t interested in listening to it.
The idea of her date with Mr. Tall and Handsome had brutalized me all weekend. Had they ended up in bed together? A cruel image flashed through my brain. I clenched my jaw and swallowed, still unable to look Kelly in the eye.
She nodded at my abrupt tone, her nostrils flaring slightly as she blinked. “I didn’t mean…it’s so hard to explain this to you. I just…”
“I’m not your type, I get it. I don’t meet the extensive criteria.” I stood up, sliding my hands into my pockets to hide the fact they were shaking. “I don’t want to talk in circles or anything. You know I think you’re wrong.” I looked down with a heavy sigh. “But I guess it doesn’t matter what I think.”
Her jaw worked to the side while her eyelids fluttered. Gripping the iPad to her chest, she turned for the door. “Have a nice trip, Marcus. Travel safe.” She paused before leaving, drumming her nail on the frame and looking back at me. “Marcia asked me to remind you to send the morning song, but I can do it on your behalf if you’re not up for it.”
I raised my chin and smoothed down my tie. “No, that’s cool. It’s my thing. I can do it.”
Like hell I was letting her know just how much she was killing me.
She nodded and clipped out the door. I plopped into my chair and snatched up my phone, dialing the airline and booking a flight before looking through my playlist and selecting a song.
It was tough going. I wasn’t in an upbeat mood. I flicked my finger to scan down the list then paused as an old song from the nineties caught my eye. My lips twitched, and I sniffed out a sad sort of chuckle.
Pulling up a new email, I attached the song to my usual bunch of morning listeners and pushed SEND. I collected up my stuff and headed out the door before it arrived in her inbox. I didn’t even turn to wave or smile as I left the building. I wasn’t interested in any kind of goodbye…I just wanted to get the hell out of LA and as far from Kelly DeMarco as I could.
Chapter Forty-Two
The earplugs felt like nails as the song played.
“Everything You Want” by Boyce Avenue. I hadn’t heard the version before, and the acoustic style was a million times louder than the original Vertical Horizon release. The words were so clear and bullet-like. They peppered my chest—little bee stings that made me cross my arms and slump down in my chair. I stared at the screen until my vision blurred.
I couldn’t believe he’d sent the song to everyone in the office.
I wanted to be mad, but I couldn’t feel anything more than tragic emptiness.
The final chorus started with the singer changing the words from he to I. It was Marcus’s way of singing straight at me, making sure I felt his confusion and pain. I wanted him to understand, but there was no way to explain my warped, emotionally deficient family. He’d never get the idea of marrying for security. He was too romantic.
He wasn’t cut out for my kind of life—media, parties, social appearances. He didn’t know the first thing about running a fashion company. He had no asset to bring into the relationship…except the fact that he was amazing in bed and could make me laugh like no other.
Aching sadness swept through me as I stared toward his empty office. I had no idea how long he’d be gone for. I didn’t know what the Chaos emergency was and I didn’t even care. I just knew that I’d miss Marcus. Even though it was easier not having him around, I’d miss him anyway.
Marcia nudged me with her elbow.
I yanked out the plugs and frowned at her.
“Are you okay?” Her voice was so tender my eyes glassed over before I could stop them.
“I fucked up,” I whispered, leaning my head into my hand and trying to hide my face.
“What do you—?”
The phone rang, cutting her question short. I snatched it up before she could delve any further. “Torrence Exec, Kelly speaking.”
“Kelly, what is going on?” Mom’s voice was sharp. “Why did you cancel on Asher? I assumed when I couldn’t reach you this weekend it was because you were spending time with him, but I’ve just had a call from your father and apparently you sent him on his way.”
I opened my mouth to respond with the speech I had rehearsed while moping around my darkened apartment all weekend.
“And what’s this about a man at your door? Who was that?”
My stomach knotted, pulling the words back down my throat and replacing them with a little squeak.
“Are you seeing someone I don’t know about?”
“Why did you just say that like a question?”
I squeezed my eyes shut.
“Kelly Rosina, you better start explaining yourself.”
Swallowing down the bile that was tickling the back of my throat, I forced a smile. “I’m not seeing anyone. I had really bad period pain on Friday night, and I didn’t think Asher would appreciate those details, so I told him I had a headache.”
I held my breath while I waited out my mother’s deliberation. I couldn’t believe I was twenty-two and still afraid of my mother. It was ridiculous! But I couldn’t seem to do anything about it. The woman was damn intimidating, and I’d spent my entire life trying to make her happy.
When was I going to realize that I couldn’t?
“Well, I hope you’re feeling better now, because Asher has kindly agreed to take you out tonight. He’ll collect you at seven-thirty. I’m sending over a new Echelon dress. Wear the Christian Louboutins I bought you for Christmas, they’ll match perfectly. And go for pearl drop earrings, no necklace. Got it?”
“Don’t stutter, Kelly. It makes you sound obtuse.”
I gripped the phone so hard I thought my knuckles might punch through my skin.
“Now, you have a good time tonight. I’m hopeful this will go well. A Coburg-DeMarco union would do wonders for Echelon. We’re counting on you, Kelly.”
She hung up, but I kept the phone pressed against my ear, too dead inside to even move. Marcia bustled into reception and placed a mug of steaming coffee beside me.
I hadn’t even noticed her leave. Slipping the phone into the cradle, I wrapped my fingers around the hot mug.
“Hey.” Marcia nudged me again.
I couldn’t turn to face her when I snapped, “What?”
She paused then let out a soft sigh before murmuring, “I’m here if you need to talk.”
I didn’t. I couldn’t.
What the hell was there to say anyway?
Gripping the mouse, I dragged the arrow across my screen and highlighted Marcus’s email, punching delete on his damn song and trying to make myself believe that Asher would be easy enough to fall in love with. A Coburg was what my family needed, not some no-name Chapman.
My heart beat with a thick, aching tremble that hounded me for the rest of the day, making it hard to function and nearly impossible to breathe when I opened the door and greeted my hot date.
He took me to Chiffon’s, a classy French restaurant decked out in shimmering fabrics and the top tier of society. Asher placed his hand on my lower back as we were led past the stage to a table in the corner. The lady singing had a sexy, pert voice that was soothing, yet entertaining. I sat down and waved to a model and his actress girlfriend that I recognized fr
om a fashion event a few months back. Their smiles told me they were trying to place where they’d seen me before. Asher nodded to a businessman I didn’t know, but it was obvious from the lavish jewelry his wife wore that they were loaded.
I slipped into my chair and tried to focus on what Asher was saying. He chatted about business mostly, waxing on about how wonderful my father was and how much he was enjoying collaborating with him.
I smiled and nodded where appropriate, sipping my wine and trying not to check my watch every two minutes. By the time dinner was served, I was bored out of my brain. I admit, I wasn’t putting in much effort, but I could tell that Asher wasn’t my cup of tea. I couldn’t imagine taking him dancing.
My mind flashed with memories of mouthing words with Marcus as we danced at the club, and then shot forward to him touching me while we swayed to “Marvin Gaye.” The wineglass slipped in my sweaty fingers. I fumbled it onto the table before I could spill red liquid across the white cloth.
“So, that’s my five-year plan, but I know things can change.” Asher smiled at me, reaching across the table and lightly brushing my fingers. “Unexpected people can come into our lives.”
The lady on stage was singing a tune I recognized. I glanced her way. The song was “No Good For You” by one of my favorite artists, Meghan Trainor. I couldn’t help a smile—I loved every one of her songs. Asher obviously thought my light smile was for him. He gathered my fingers in his, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles before raising them to his lips.
I gazed at his smiling face then forced myself to look directly into his blue eyes. They reminded me of Fletcher’s. They held that same high-end contempt. Most people wouldn’t notice it. They’d be too wowed by the dazzling charm and appearance, but I’d been born and bred with people just like the Coburgs, and since hanging out with Marcus, Mr. No-Fuss Humility, it was screamingly clear to me.
The words to the song caught my ear. I knew them by heart, and it was hard not to sing along in my head. As I gazed at my date, he morphed into Fletcher, and the song was so damn appropriate it made me snicker.