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Troublemaker (Songbird #6) Page 17
Troublemaker (Songbird #6) Read online
Page 17
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?” Kelly’s reply was short, giving away her “I’m fine” lie.
“You seem a little quiet today. You’ve been so bright and happy this week.”
I peeked my head around the corner and spotted Marcia’s sly grin. Her dimples and wriggling eyebrows made me smile.
“Oh, stop it.” Kelly swiveled in her chair and focused on her computer screen.
“Come on, tell me. Did you and Marcus hook up?”
My insides sizzled.
“No.” Kelly frowned. “Of course not.”
My insides deflated.
“Really?” Marcia’s voice pitched with surprise. “But you guys went on that date, though, right? And then I…well, I didn’t want to pry, but I just assumed you guys had.”
“Nope. It was just the one date because we had a deal. Nothing ever came from it.” Kelly spun back around to face Marcia, her tone almost forceful. “Marcus isn’t my type. I was just being nice with that one date thing. He’s never going to be my boyfriend.”
I frowned while my mind raged from anger to disappointment, flashing past understanding before landing right back on a big, whiny Awww! I wanted her to claim me, not keep me a secret. It was hard not to feel a little offended. Why was she hiding us?
Clearing my throat, I made my presence known, hoping they didn’t realize I’d been eavesdropping.
“Afternoon, ladies.” I smiled, placing the mugs down beside them and avoiding Kelly’s eye.
“Thanks.” Marcia smiled in return then looked between Kelly and me before turning back to her computer.
“Thank you.” Kelly checked over her shoulder to make sure Marcia wasn’t watching before giving me a playful wink.
I narrowed my eyes at her and flicked my head toward my office. “Can I see you for a minute? I just have a few things to go over before I leave.”
Her smile faltered. “Sure.”
Collecting her iPad, she left her coffee and trailed me into my office. As soon as the door clicked shut, she snickered. “Thank you. I was hoping for a goodbye kiss.”
I spun around to see her place the iPad down and walk toward me. I held up my hand to stop her.
“Are you sure you want one? I thought I wasn’t your type.”
“What?” Her face wrinkled with confusion.
I raised my eyebrows and tipped my head until a light flicked on in her eyes. She huffed then looked to the ceiling.
“Please don’t be all precious about this. I don’t want anyone to know.”
“Why?” My suit jacket pulled tight across my shoulders as I crossed my arms.
“Because! I…” She huffed again and flicked her arms wide. “Gossip. Office rumors and…I just… I would prefer to keep this on the down low. I…” Her shoulders sagged and she looked to the floor. “Please, can we keep this quiet for a little longer? I’m not ready to announce what we have to the world. I haven’t even told Scarlett and Isla. I just…” She stepped across to me, running her hand from my chest to my shoulder. Her whisper was soft and sweet against my skin. “I like the bubble, and I’m not ready for it to pop. I just want you and me and no one else.” Her lips brushed against my cheek, undoing any kind of resolve I may have had.
My arm encircled her waist, and I pulled her against me. “I’m proud to be in love with you.”
She smiled at me but didn’t say anything. It unsettled me a little. Would she ever tell me she loved me? Would she ever claim me as her man?
Her sweet lips and warm tongue forced me to store the questions away until after I got back. I guessed the bubble was kinda nice. Her long fingers dove into my hair, mussing up the back as she deepened the kiss and we lost all track of time.
A knock on my door startled us both, and she jumped away from me, straightening her dress and giving me a fleeting smile before snatching her iPad and walking for the door.
“I’ll get those things done while you’re away,” she said over her shoulder and opened the door to the legal assistant. “Hey, Justin.”
“H-hi.” He raised his hand in greeting and moved aside so she could disappear.
I watched her tight ass sway out of sight before smoothing down my tie and giving Justin a friendly smile. I was going to miss her. All I could hope was that our week apart would make her pine for me so bad that when I got back she’d be writing Kelly and Marcus 4eva in her diary.
Chapter Thirty-Four
Marcus left a few hours later, giving me a simple wave before disappearing behind the elevator doors. Marcia kept checking on me out of the corner of her eye, but I kept my lips sealed. I wasn’t about to announce our love affair to the world. I wasn’t ready. I didn’t know if I ever would be. Marcus made me feel things that were foreign and terrifying. I was so giddy and happy, but it was tempered by an undeniable reality. Marcus Chapman did not belong in my world. I had no idea how to make him fit, so it was just easier to pretend he didn’t exist.
I spent the weekend fielding curious questions from Isla and Scarlett. It was unlike me not to share the goods. They knew most of the details to do with Fletcher and Evangeline. I’d sobbed my way through the retell, downing wine and tubs of ice cream. It was so cliché it made me cringe, but it’d been what I needed at the time.
But I couldn’t bring myself to tell them that, thanks to Marcus Chapman—the weedy little senior from Beverly Hills High—I’d experienced my first orgasm and plenty more after that. He’d even gone down on me, which I thought would be so awkward and disgusting, but…
My soft spot tingled and I crossed my legs at the sizzling memory. Marcus had this way about him that made me feel so comfortable and safe, yet at the same time, the idea of claiming him was terrifying. I could only imagine what my mother and friends would think.
I picked up my coffee cup and raised it to my lips. The cup was trembling a little, and I didn’t want to figure out why. Quickly taking a sip, I placed it down and adjusted the shades on my nose. The midday sunlight was soaking my lunch table—a flawless winter day. Marcus would have loved it. My thoughts fled to him like they’d been doing constantly. He’d called me twice and texted numerous times. Our thread was pretty funny, and when I missed him the most, I’d pull it out and reread his funny observations. It was obvious how much he loved Chaos.
Pulling out my phone, I unlocked the screen and reread our banter from the previous night. Marcus had such a quirky way of looking at things. It always made me smile.
I’d spent the weekend missing him. Arriving to work on Monday had been a real drag. His office sat empty and cold, and I’d spent most of my day dealing with Bryce. By the time lunch came around, I’d had to get out of there. I wanted to pop over to Marcus’s place and say hi to Flash and Pumpkin. He wouldn’t have minded, but it felt a little too familiar. Besides, his siseter was taking care of them, so it’s not like I needed to go over there. I’d only be reminded of what we’d done on previous lunch breaks and how I still had to wait nearly a week before I could do that again.
I placed my phone down with a pitiful sigh and picked at the remainder of my chicken salad. I wasn’t hungry, not for food anyway. My lips quirked with a grin as I pictured Marcus’s return. A giddy titter bubbled inside me until I looked up and spotted the last two people on earth I ever wanted to see.
Fletcher and Evangeline.
Damn it, I’d forgotten they were coming to town. Why did they have to eat here?
And why the hell did Fletcher still have to look so damn amazing!
His large hand skimmed down his fiancée’s back as he guided her into a seat. His charming smile was in play as he smoothed down his tie and took a seat opposite her. He had yet to notice me. He was too enamored with the strawberry cupcake sitting across from him.
“Can I clear that for you, miss?” The waiter captured my attention, and I gave him a stiff nod, leaning back so he could take my plate and dirty cutlery. He left my coffee and I snatched it, drilling the couple with a righteous glare as I sip
ped the tepid brew.
Evangeline tucked a lock of short hair behind her ear. Her bob cut with the straight bangs really suited her, dammit. She had a sharp, pixie-like face and the cut made her look far more sophisticated than she actually was. Honestly, Fletcher was way out of her league. Even the wealthy weren’t created equal.
I tried my best not to look at them, but my eyes kept tracking back to Fletcher no matter how hard I tried. His face was so beautiful. He looked like a model. That was what had first attracted me to him. His chiseled, perfect face and that confident glint in his eye. The man oozed charisma, plus he could pull off an Armani suit like no other. He was the perfect man to take over his father’s textile business. I was sure he could sell wool to a flock of sheep.
We would have made the perfect pair.
I swallowed and glanced down at my phone. Marcus’s thread was still up, and I reread his parting words to me. It was a song he’d sent me as I was getting into bed. I’d held the phone to my ear and laughed as “Kiss You” by One Direction played. I still thought it was hilarious that a grown man liked tweeny pop music, but he did…and he didn’t mind admitting it, either.
I played the song three times before finally setting my phone down with a goofy grin. It’d taken me forever to drift off. I couldn’t get replays of our interludes out of my head. He was one hot lover. He wasn’t the type you swooned over, but what he could do with his hands, lips and…
My eyebrows rose as a hot flush skimmed down my body.
I glanced back at Fletcher, his eyes still fixated on Evangeline. I wondered what their sex life was like. The part I’d walked in on had been pretty steamy. Was that why he’d gone for her over me? Because I was the uncertain ice queen and she was the adventurous slut?
A spurt of anger made my stomach gurgle. I wished for Marcus. He would have known exactly what to say to make me feel better, some derogatory quip that would get me laughing. Snatching my phone, I thought about texting him, but then remembered he was in a media conference with the band.
With a huff, I stared at my phone screen then felt a spark of inspiration and opened Spotify. If Marcus was in my position, he’d be emailing his douchebag ex a song. Something strong and sassy—the proverbial finger, so to speak.
My eyes hit a song in my “Home Dancing” playlist that fit the bill nicely. Selecting “Gives You Hell,” I turned up the volume and placed the phone on the table, angling it toward the traitorous couple.
The song drew a few eyes around me, but I trained my scowl straight at Fletcher and his lady-love. He looked up and flinched, his lips parting when he spotted me. I raised my shades and added extra heat to my glare, crossing my arms and nailing him with a look that hid nothing of my anger. Hurt lurked behind it, fighting to show through as I gazed into Fletcher’s eyes. I felt myself breaking, wooed by the power he’d always had over me.
Evangeline glanced over her shoulder and spotted me. She tried to smile, that sickening apologetic one she always wore. It tipped me that much closer to the breaking point, so before I could lose my cool, I stood and snatched my phone off the table. Sliding my shades back down, I wafted past them like I didn’t even know who they were. The song came to a finish as I stepped onto the sidewalk and headed back to work.
I arrived at the office a shaky mess. Playing that song and drawing Fletcher’s attention had been a mistake. I thought it’d make me feel good, confident…but it only reminded me of what he’d done, and how he’d chosen her over me.
Much to my relief, Marcia wasn’t in her seat. I didn’t need her curious gaze trying to suss me out. Thumping into my chair, I brought the screen to life and noticed an email from Marcus.
To: Kelly DeMarco
Subject: Put your headphones in for this one - it’s just for you.
At first, I didn’t want to open it. I don’t know why. I was still reeling from seeing Fletcher, and I didn’t want to confuse myself even more by getting mushy over something sweet Marcus was trying to do.
But I couldn’t help myself.
I settled the plugs into my ears and opened the message.
I know it’s old school, but I heard it playing on the radio and thought of you.
I double-clicked the track and “Uptown Girl” started. I bit my lips together, but it didn’t work. My smile grew so broad it almost hurt.
I rested my chin in my hands and listened to the words, my expression turning dreamy as a little Marcus magic erased the lunch break from my mind.
Chapter Thirty-Five
“So, you liked the song?” I had to ask. I wasn’t sure how she’d take it with me sending it to her at work.
“Yeah, I liked it.” There was a smile in her voice, and I immediately relaxed.
Resting my arm beneath my head, I nestled into the hotel pillows and felt like a lovesick teen, talking to my mega crush on the phone.
I chuckled. That was exactly what it was, minus the teen part.
“You didn’t mind me sending it to you at work?” I winced.
She snickered. “Luckily for you, it was perfect timing.”
“Oh yeah?”
“I saw Fletcher and his fiancée today.” She sighed.
My guts twisted and I sat up, insecurities racing through me, knocked aside by a crashing wave of protectiveness. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I am. It’s the first time I’ve seen them since I left Stanford, and it threw me a little…but then I got back to the office and heard the song…it made it all better.”
I grinned. “I’m glad I sent it then.”
She paused, and I could picture her scratching the side of her nose or running a finger over her eyebrow. “Yeah, you should probably be careful with that. Sometimes Marcia jumps onto my computer.”
“Is it really so bad if she finds out?”
“Marcus, please don’t,” she whispered. “I like the status quo.”
My lip curled. I was grateful we weren’t on FaceTime. As much as I wanted to see her pretty face, she didn’t need to see how much her denial of us riled me. I couldn’t push her, though. I’d finally scored the girl I’d always wanted. I couldn’t risk losing her.
Forcing my lips into line, I cleared my throat and lay back down on the pillows.
“So, Chaos was awesome last night. I don’t even know what I’m doing here. It’s not like they need me.”
“Maybe you should offer to do the chicken dance.” Kelly giggled. “You know, add a little extra to the show.”
I guffawed. “I’m sure they’d love it.”
“It’d be a Vegas sensation.”
“And then Everett Torrence would fire my ass.”
She laughed. “He’s lucky to have you. You’re an amazing manager.”
The sweet way she said the compliment made my insides warm. I glanced across to the window, wishing she was with me so we could stare out at the Vegas lights together.
“Chaos is lucky you’re there to look after them.”
“They make it easy on me. They’re pros with the media stuff. They’re such a tight unit that the press can’t find any scandal or juicy tidbits on them. They protect each other like family. And Nessa is a dream come true on stage. Everybody loves her. I wish all my artists were that uncomplicated.” I thought about Caris and the impending bullshit that awaited me. Justin’s visit before I left the office was hardly stellar. The lawsuit was still in contention unless Caris was willing to give a formal apology, which, last time I spoke to her, she wasn’t.
I ran a hand through my hair, annoyed that the impetuous princess was putting a dampener on my return to LA. I couldn’t wait to see, touch, taste Kelly again, but I wasn’t too happy about returning to work. I’d been fielding calls all weekend. It got to the point I actually had to turn off my phone to avoid Caris and her wretched mother.
My phone beeped, alerting me to an incoming call.
TORRENCE flashed on the screen. I pulled it back to my ear and groaned.
“Sorry, bea
utiful, I gotta go. Work calls.”
“Okay.” Kelly’s voice was gentle and sad.
It made my heart hitch then jiggle. She didn’t want me to go. I smiled slowly. “Do you want me to call you after I’m done?”
“No, I’m going to jump in the shower then head to bed.”
“Wish I could join you.” My smile grew even wider.
She paused again, and this time I couldn’t picture what she was doing with her hands. Was she surprised, awkward, swooning?
A soft sigh later and she eased my fears with two murmured words. “Miss you.”
“Miss you, too.” I smiled. “See you in a few days.”
I hung up before I could lose Everett’s call and get lectured for not making him my top priority. I caught it in the nick of time and had to force Kelly out of my mind as Everett boomed at me. “How hard is it to ask someone to apologize? I thought you’d dealt with this, Marcus. The hotel is milking this for all it’s worth, and Torrence is going to look bad if we can’t wrap this up quick smart.”
“I’m trying my best, sir, but Caris is a difficult person to deal with.”
“She’s also a pot of gold.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose, recognizing the looming discourse before it even started.
“You need to make this work. I want you back early to clean up this mess and get Caris back on track. I notice she’s behind on her recording schedule, what’s that about?”
“She had a run-in with one of the sound guys.” I swallowed while Everett huffed.
“Marcus.” The man cleared his throat. How anyone could make a throat tickle sound ominous was beyond me, but he did. “I knew Caris would be a challenging gig. It’s why I picked you. Did I make a mistake?”
I lurched off the bed and shuffled to the window. “No, of course you haven’t. But if you could give me a little more breathing room…an opportunity to put Caris in her place, I think we might have more luck.”
“I will not risk losing her to another company. We have to find that balance of giving her what she wants so that she’ll make us the money we deserve.”