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Troublemaker (Songbird #6) Page 21
Troublemaker (Songbird #6) Read online
Page 21
I reclaimed my hand and tucked it beneath the table. Dipping my head, I pressed my lips together and tried to bring my rattling insides under control. I wasn’t sitting opposite Fletcher. I was sitting opposite Asher, but I honestly could not tell the difference.
Pulling my shoulders back, I gazed at the Coburg millionaire. He was still smiling, a triumphant little smirk. If only he knew what I was really thinking.
I wanted to tell him, but my mother would freaking kill me.
The waiter arrived to clear our plates. “Would you like the dessert menu?”
“Not for me, thank you.” I raised my hand and shook my head, thanking him as he took my plate away. Asher asked for the check and sat back to gaze at me.
“Would you like to go for a walk before I take you home? The lights are beautiful down this street.”
They were. Chiffon’s was located on a gorgeous, quaint walking street where evening shoppers strolled and buskers played. Businesses lit their storefronts and restaurants with fairy lights that made the cool winter nights magical.
I nodded and clipped, “Sure. I’d love to.”
Too busy signing off his credit card slip, he didn’t notice my lie. When he stood and offered me his arm, I slipped my hand in the crook of his elbow and let him lead me down the street.
We looked like the perfect couple, both tall and beautiful. The wind ruffled my hair as I glanced up at him. He was smiling and talking about tickets to the opera. His mother was a huge fan and they went at least three times a year.
“I’d love for you to join us some time.”
My mother would love that.
I smiled tightly and continued strolling, picturing myself in a stuffy theater, fighting sleep as the voices trilled and echoed around me. I’d been to plenty in my time…and the ballet. It was so sophisticated and mature…and boring! I’d endured it all to please my parents, and Fletcher, and where had it gotten me?
A group of teenage girls caught my eye. They were standing on the side of the street busking. One had a guitar in her arms, her eyes dancing as she brought her giggling girlfriends into line.
Two of them clapped a steady rhythm and then she came in with her guitar. The fourth one stepped forward and started singing “Next To Me.” They sounded amazing, so I stopped to listen, leaning my head to the side as I watched them.
They looked so happy and carefree, singing about their perfect man. I listened to the words, letting them soak in as Asher stood by my side, obviously growing impatient. The longer the song went on, the more my insides shredded.
I’d had a man who could be everything I needed. He’d stand next to me no matter what. I glanced up and glimpsed Asher’s perfect profile. Who the hell was I standing next to? Some guy my mother picked out for me?
My forehead creased with a deep frown as I spun on my heel and faced him.
“Would you rather own a house full of cats or one donkey?”
“Excuse me?” His comical frown made me smirk.
“It’s a game. Would you rather…” I spun my hand in a circle.
“I see.” His eyebrows dipped together before he gave me a smooth smile. “Don’t you think you’re a little old for games?”
“Is there such a thing as being too old to have fun?”
“We are having fun.” He grinned. “We had a delicious meal, interesting conversation…” His arm snaked around my waist. “And I’m sure we can find some more ‘fun’ things to do, if you wanted.”
I rested my hand on his arm and gazed into his eyes. “I’m never going to be able to wear my slouchy sweatpants around you.”
“I’ll be too self-conscious…and you don’t make me laugh. We’ve been together nearly two hours and I haven’t laughed once. There’s no way you’d be cool with me dancing barefoot in a club. Would you?”
“You? … I don’t really like dancing, and this conversation is confusing me.”
I pushed out of his grasp and shook my head. “I have to go.”
“What?” Asher looked mildly insulted, but I couldn’t care.
Turning on my heel, I stalked away from him, my mind exploding with one repeated thought.
I wanted Marcus next to me…and no one else.
Chapter Forty-Three
I saw Kelly’s name flash on my screen and rejected the call. I didn’t have time for her bullshit, not when I was set to head back to LA so quickly. I had touched down in Denver, Colorado and was halfway to the hotel where Chaos was staying when I got a call from Caris’s mother.
Her daughter was in jail.
Sweet Caris had shown up to this birthday dinner as promised. The only problem was, she’d shown up drunk off her ass and ended up puking in the birthday girl’s lap, but not before coming on to the girl’s cousin. The hotel owner had caught them half-naked in a darkened bedroom while the birthday candles were being lit. He’d hauled them both out of there and pushed her into the dining room to sing…but instead she’d puked.
Caris’s mother had no idea how it happened and was accusing the birthday girl’s father of spiking her drink then having the audacity to manhandle her.
It was inconceivable to think her precious baby girl could be responsible.
I was ready to kill something, and I didn’t want Kelly in my warpath.
My phone had been buzzing nonstop since the incident. Everyone wanted a piece of me—the hotel manager, Caris’s mother…Caris herself even called to bust my ass about making her do the stupid gig in the first place. And finally Everett Torrence called. I was due in his office first thing the next day for a meeting that would decide my fate.
I was waiting for the “You’re not cut out for this” speech, which I no doubt deserved. I couldn’t control Caris.
I couldn’t control anything!
My phone buzzed again. I ripped it out of my pocket and saw Justin’s work number.
“What the hell are you still doing at work?” I barked.
“St-studying. I-I-I just heard about C-Caris. What do you need me to do?”
I sighed and tipped my head back against the airport glass. “Go home. You’ve got someone who actually wants to share a bed with you. Don’t take it for granted. Go be with your wife, man.”
I hung up before he could reply, slipping the phone back into my pocket and willing the night away. I wanted to get it over with as fast as humanly possible.
“Flight UA29 leaving for LAX is now boarding.”
I snatched my bag and strode toward the counter, flashing the hostess a tight smile as I barreled past her. I didn’t want to head back to California and all that awaited me. But I had no way of getting out of it. I should have been at that birthday party.
I needed to get my shit figured out, but it was damn nerve-wracking. I’d stood up to Kelly on Friday night, and although it felt good to get it off my chest, I’d left her place empty-handed. Did I risk standing up to Everett Torrence in the morning only to suffer the same fate? It would only take a three-word statement from him and I’d be left on the street, jobless.
I slumped into Seat 23B and squeezed my eyes shut. How much did I bend over backwards to keep someone happy? How much did I compromise?
Caris didn’t deserve to be with Torrence Records anymore, but she was the pot of gold and I was a nobody. It wasn’t hard to guess who’d win the battle in the morning. The only decision I had left to make was—what kind of man did I want to be? Did I stick around and put up with the bullshit or did I stand up for myself?
Chapter Forty-Four
I strode into work, still restless and antsy, hoping my early morning email to Marcus had gotten through. He’d ignored my call the night before, and I hadn’t bothered leaving a message. I figured he’d call me back when he had a chance…but he didn’t, and then I started thinking he was ignoring me.
I hadn’t slept all night. I’d lain awake staring at the ceiling until I couldn’t take
it anymore, then paced the dining area for a while. Finally at 4 a.m., I’d pulled out my laptop and trawled through my song list, looking for the perfect message to send him. I wanted to redeem myself and let him know that I was in. No more tall, dark, and handsome for me. I wanted Marcus and no one else.
I’d attached the song “Happy” by Never Shout Never and pressed SEND, nervously jittering around my apartment until the sun rose.
As soon as I got to work, I opened my inbox and scoured my mail for a reply message, but nada. Colorado was in a different time zone, so he might not have seen it. He was such an early riser, though. I couldn’t think anything other than he’s ignoring me.
My spirits deflated slightly, but then I thought about how tenacious he’d been in winning me over. I didn’t have my personal computer with me, so I went to my online sent folder and re-sent the song “Happy.” I figured I’d just keep doing it until he replied.
The sound of the email swooshing from my outbox coincided with the ding of the elevator. I looked up with my work smile, and my mouth dropped open as an exhausted Marcus strode past me.
“Hi,” I squeaked.
He gave me a polite nod and headed straight to his office. His pallor was basically gray. I jumped up and followed him.
“Are you okay?” I closed the door behind me and hurried to his desk.
“What do you want, Kelly?”
I crossed my arms and scowled. “I want to check you’re okay.”
He dropped his bag on the floor and glanced at me. “I’m fine.”
“What happened? I thought you’d be gone all week?”
“Caris happened.” He slumped into his chair and switched on his computer. The machine buzzed and whirred. “So I’m back to deal with more bullshit!”
His angry tone made me flinch. I gripped my arm and gazed at him. “I sent you an email last night.”
“Yeah, I saw it this morning.” He scrubbed his face then stared at the screen as it dinged with incoming mail. “And I see it now, as well.”
I grinned.
“Why did you send it to me?” He spun his chair to face me. His glare and harsh tone matched perfectly.
I looked to the floor and lamely muttered, “Because I wanted you to know that my date was a waste of time. I spent the entire evening thinking about you and wanting to be with you.” I forced my eyes off the floor. “I wanted you to know that I’m in.”
My chest shuddered and I squeezed my folded arms against myself.
He must have noticed the gesture, because the flash of joy on his face was stolen by a narrow-eyed skepticism. “You’re all in?”
“Uh-huh.” I swayed my hips as I walked around his desk then perched my butt on the edge. Grabbing his tie, I threaded it through my fingers with a little grin. “I was thinking after work we could head back to your place and, I don’t know, enjoy really good make-up sex?”
His cheeks flushed and he smiled, swallowing loudly before gently taking the tie out of my grasp.
“So you love me then?” He leaned back and scrutinized my face with his keen eyes.
“Of course.” I smiled, trying to hide the rattling effect the L-word always had on me. “I just want to be with you.”
“And you’re ready to tell the world? Your parents?”
My expression fell before I could stop it.
His snigger was all-knowing as he pushed his chair away from me and stood, pacing around to the other side of the desk. “I’m not after a love affair, Kelly. Yes, we’re great in bed together, but that’s not why I fell for you. I want something real…an actual relationship.”
“We… We can have that.” I threw my arms wide, hating the course of the conversation. I was expecting him to be touched by my email gesture. Hell, I thought he might even take me on his desk when I admitted I was all in, but he was fighting me on it, pressing me to make all these dramatic statements.
“I don’t want to be with someone who’s embarrassed to have me around. Admit it, you have every intention of hiding me away. I’m going to be your quiet little fling. The guy you flirt with at work. And the second you head home for your Thursday night dinner, I’m going to cease to exist. You want me in this world, but you won’t bring me into yours.”
“I’m not emba… You’re making me sound like some kind of rich floozy who has a man on the side.”
“But that’s what I’ll be, right? I’ll be the guy who keeps you happy and entertained, like some place holder while you keep your eye out for Mr. Perfect…the one Mommy and Daddy approve of.”
“I don’t want to date anyone else, that’s what I’m saying to you.”
“But you don’t want anyone from that part of your life knowing about me!”
I pinched my lips together, holding back my frustrated scream. “You don’t know what she’s like, Marcus! I am doing you a favor. You do not want to come into my warped world!”
His face bunched with sad confusion. “Then how are we ever supposed to be together?”
“I—I…” A heavy sigh was my only answer.
Marcus gave me a glum smile and walked back around to his computer. Double-clicking the mouse, he started “Happy” playing.
The words filtered into the office—bright and cheerful.
Marcus’s gaze penetrated me as he softly said, “This song is just words, unless you’re willing to act. I make you happy? Then show the world. Let them hear you say, ‘I love you, Marcus.’ Tell your mom your boyfriend’s coming over for dinner.”
My lips trembled as I blinked to fight the tears building in my eyes. Clenching my jaw, I broke eye contact and stood tall, smoothing down my skirt before heading for the door.
“Good luck with Caris. Let me know if you need anything.”
Marcus didn’t make a sound, and I couldn’t look back to see what his face was doing. All I knew was that he was asking too much.
Chapter Forty-Five
I hated myself for the way I spoke to Kelly. What the hell was wrong with me? She’d offered to be with me again and I’d rejected it.
I was an idiot.
But unlike her, I knew what I wanted and I was done compromising.
I pulled in a lungful of heavy, suffocating air and dragged my butt up to the top floor. Everett’s secretary sent me into the boardroom where Caris and her mother were waiting with Justin and his boss, Clay. Everett Torrence sat at the head of the oval table.
“Sorry, I’m late.” I smoothed down my tie and took a seat beside Justin, who immediately slid a file into my hands.
He gave me an encouraging smile that did nothing to settle my nerves. When I’d arrived home in the early hours, I’d spotted Kelly’s email and gone to bed giddy, but I hadn’t been able to sleep, and the more I thought it through, the more I realized I couldn’t fall back into bed with her unless we were both doing it for the right reasons.
After winning that argument in my head, I then decided that the same thing had to apply for Caris and Torrence Records, which was why I’d called Justin at six in the morning and asked him for a favor.
I gripped the file in my hand.
“So, let’s see if we can’t problem-solve this together.” Everett pressed his palms into the table and looked to his favorite lawyer, Clay. “Are we going to have a continued problem with this man, or can we avoid a second suit being filed?”
My nerves were skittish as I glanced at my boss. Unfortunately, it came through in my voice when I interrupted.
“Sir,” I squeaked then quickly cleared my throat. “Sorry.” I covered my mouth with my fist and cleared my throat again. “Mr. Everett, sir. Do you mind if I share a few thoughts before we proceed?”
He looked cynical but gave me a short nod.
I flipped open the file and skimmed down the page, noting the multiple highlighted sections.
“Before I share what I really want to say, I’d like to apologize for not attending the birthday party with Caris last night. I should have been there to monito
r her behavior, but I didn’t think she’d need a babysitter for a one-hour gig. It was my error, and I take full responsibility.”
I held my breath as I looked at Everett. He gave me nothing but a blank-faced stare, so I kept going before I lost my courage.
“I have here a copy of Caris’s contract with Torrence Records, and we’ve taken the liberty of highlighting all the areas that she has breached or is currently in breach.” I slid it across the table. “Some of these you may not be aware of. As her manager, I’ve tried to deal with most of them quietly and do the job you requested of me.”
Everett’s eyes bulged as he noticed the amount of fluorescent color on the pages.
“I think it’s clear that myself and many of the staff here are bending over backwards to accommodate behavior that should not be tolerated.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Caris stiffen. Her mother patted her arm while shooting me a vicious glare. I met it head-on and started listing the things I’d memorized.
“Defacing public property, underage drinking, socially disruptive behavior, stealing.”
“She never—” Her mother tried to interrupt me, but I raised my hand and kept going.
“Attempting sex with a minor.”
Her mother swallowed and lifted her chin. “That boy lied about his age.”
“According to your intoxicated, fabulist daughter?” I raised my eyebrows. “I know who I’d be more inclined to believe. The truth of the matter is, Caris, I don’t think you’re worth it.”
She bristled at my words, her eyes flashing with warning. She opened her mouth to give me her “pot of gold” speech, but I spoke over her.
“You may have an amazing voice, and you can draw a huge crowd. But you have no respect or integrity, and according to Torrence Records’ mission statement, those are the kinds of artists we want to be working with. You’re not the only pot of gold in this world, and we can do better.”
Her eyes flashed. “How dare you speak to me that way. Any record company would take me like that.” She snapped her fingers. “But I was nice enough to come here and see if we could work together. Now you’re trying to back out on me? Oh, I don’t think so. You want to know what being sued really feels like?” She spun to face Everett, pointing her long fingernail at me. “Torrence, you fire his ass or I am gone. And believe me, if I go I will be getting the best lawyers in this town to sue Torrence Records for all it’s worth. By the time we’re done, you’ll have nothing left.”